All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- alignRotationConstraints - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignRotationD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignRotationI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignRotationP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignXConstraints - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignXD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignXI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignXP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignZConstraints - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignZD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignZI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- alignZP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- AMP - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand.Mode
- AMP - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand.Targets
- AngleDifference(double, double) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.SwerveUtils
Finds the (unsigned) minimum difference between two angles including calculating across 0.
- AutoIntakeOrShoot - Class in frc.robot.commands
- AutoIntakeOrShoot(IndexerSubsystem, IntakeSubsystem, AutoIntakeOrShoot.Goal) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot
- AutoIntakeOrShoot.Goal - Enum Class in frc.robot.commands
- autonomousInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This autonomous runs the autonomous command selected by your
class. - autonomousPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during autonomous.
- AutoRotateToSpeakerAndShoot - Class in frc.robot.commands
- AutoRotateToSpeakerAndShoot(SwerveSubsystem, IndexerSubsystem) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.AutoRotateToSpeakerAndShoot
- BOTTOM_WHEELS - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors
- bottomMotorID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- CANUtils - Class in frc.robot.utils
- CANUtils() - Constructor for class frc.robot.utils.CANUtils
- centerLimebreakID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.MathUtils
Clamp a value to a minimum and a maximum
- ClimbCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- ClimbCommand(ClimberSubsystem, ClimbCommand.Climb) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand
- ClimbCommand(IndexerSubsystem, ClimbCommand.Climb) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand
- ClimbCommand.Climb - Enum Class in frc.robot.commands
- CLIMBER_EXTENDING - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- CLIMBER_RETRACTING - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- ClimberConstants - Class in frc.robot.constants
- ClimberConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.constants.ClimberConstants
- ClimberSubsystem - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- ClimberSubsystem() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.ClimberSubsystem
- configure(CANSparkFlex) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.CANUtils
- configure(CANSparkMax) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.CANUtils
- configureButtonBindings() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- cornerPoseBlue - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- cornerPoseRed - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- directionSlewRate - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- disabledInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode.
- disabledPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
- distanceToNote() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- drive(double, double, double, boolean, boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Swerve drive function.
- DriveCommands - Class in frc.robot.commands
- DriveCommands(SwerveSubsystem, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
This class contains all the drive commands for swerve
- driveKinematics - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- driveRobotRelative(ChassisSpeeds) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Drive the robot with
(mainly used for path planner) - DrivetrainConstants - Class in frc.robot.constants
- DrivetrainConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- driveWheelFreeSpeedRps - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingEncoderPositionFactor - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingEncoderVelocityFactor - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingFF - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMaxOutput - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMinOutput - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMotorCurrentLimit - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMotorFreeSpeedRps - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMotorIdleMode - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMotorPinionTeeth - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingMotorReduction - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- drivingSpeedScalar - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.OnTheFlyShootCommand
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RotateToCorner
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RotateToNoteAndDriveCommand
- end(boolean) - Method in class frc.robot.commands.SpinUpCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.AutoRotateToSpeakerAndShoot
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.DriveCommands
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.JiggleCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.OnTheFlyShootCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RotateToCorner
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RotateToNoteAndDriveCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RotateToSpeakerAndDriveCommand
- execute() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.SpinUpCommand
- extend() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ClimberSubsystem
Extends the climber
- EXTEND - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand.Climb
- fieldHighMeters - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- fieldLenMeters - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- FLYSHOOT - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand.Targets
- forward - Static variable in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- frc.robot - package frc.robot
- frc.robot.commands - package frc.robot.commands
- frc.robot.constants - package frc.robot.constants
- frc.robot.controllers - package frc.robot.controllers
- frc.robot.subsystems - package frc.robot.subsystems
- frc.robot.utils - package frc.robot.utils
- freeSpeedRpm - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- frontLeftChassisAngularOffset - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- frontLeftDrivingPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- frontLeftTurningPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- frontRightChassisAngularOffset - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- frontRightDrivingPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- frontRightTurningPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- getAutonomousCommand() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
Use this to pass the autonomous command to the main
class. - getBotPoseFieldSpace() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
Gets the bots position relative to the field.
- getBotPoseTargetSpace() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
Gets the bots position relative to the target.
- getBottomMotorRPM() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
Get the RPM of the bottom motor
- getDesiredState() - Method in class frc.robot.controllers.SwerveModuleControlller
Gets the current desired state
- getDistanceFromTag() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
Gets the distance from the first visible AprilTag
- getDouble(String, double) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function gets a value from network tables as a double
- getDoubleArray(String, double[]) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function gets a value from Network Tables as a double array
- getEntry(String, Object) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function returns a entry as whatever it is
- getFieldRelativeChassisSpeeds() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Gets the robots chassis speed relative to the field
- getIndexerAngle() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Get the current angle of the indexer
- getLatencyCapture() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
Gets the latency from capturing
- getLatencyPipeline() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
Gets the latency from the pipeline
- getLeftEncoder() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ClimberSubsystem
- getNoteTV() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- getNoteTX() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- getNoteTY() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- getPose() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Get robot's pose.
- getPoseEstimator() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Get the pose estimator instance
- getPosition() - Method in class frc.robot.controllers.SwerveModuleControlller
Gets the position of the swerve module
- getRightEncoder() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ClimberSubsystem
- getRobotRelativeSpeeds() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Get the speed of the chassis relative to the robot
- getState() - Method in class frc.robot.controllers.SwerveModuleControlller
This function gets the state of the swerve module
- getString(String, String) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function gets a value from network tables as a String
- getTable() - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function returns the table of this instance of NetworkTableUtils
- getTopMotorRPM() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
Get the RPM of the top motor
- gyroReversed - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- heading() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Get current heading of robot
- height - Static variable in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- hold() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ClimberSubsystem
Hold the motors (break mdoe)
- IDLE - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- INDEXER_ROTATE - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors
- IndexerCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- IndexerCommand(IndexerSubsystem, ChassisSpeeds, Pose2d) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand
- IndexerCommand(IndexerSubsystem, XboxController, IndexerCommand.Mode) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand
- IndexerCommand.Mode - Enum Class in frc.robot.commands
- IndexerConstants - Class in frc.robot.constants
- IndexerConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerFF - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerMaxAngle - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerMinAngle - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerRotateID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- indexerSubsystem - Variable in class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot
- indexerSubsystem - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- IndexerSubsystem - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- IndexerSubsystem() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Indexer subsystem for everything indexer related
- IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors - Enum Class in frc.robot.subsystems
Enum of possible motors to control
- indexerTrapezoidProfile - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- initDebugNT() - Method in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand
- initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.JiggleCommand
- initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.OnTheFlyShootCommand
- initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.RotateToCorner
- initialize() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.SpinUpCommand
- INTAKE - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot.Goal
- IntakeCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- IntakeCommand(IntakeSubsystem, IndexerSubsystem, LEDSubsystem, XboxController, IntakeCommand.Targets, boolean) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand
Command to run the intake
- IntakeCommand.Targets - Enum Class in frc.robot.commands
- intakeSubsystem - Variable in class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot
- intakeSubsystem - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- IntakeSubsystem - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- IntakeSubsystem() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.IntakeSubsystem
- INTAKING - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- isActive - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- isCenter() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Check if center limebreak is seeing something
- isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot
- isFinished() - Method in class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand
- isIndexerRotated() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Check if the indexer is at its goal
- isUp() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
- JiggleCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- JiggleCommand(IndexerSubsystem, IntakeSubsystem) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.JiggleCommand
- kMaxSpeedPerSecondSquared - Static variable in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- kThetaControllerConstraints - Static variable in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- LEDConstants - Class in frc.robot.constants
- LEDConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants
- LEDConstants.Status - Enum Class in frc.robot.constants
- LEDSubsystem - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- LEDSubsystem() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.LEDSubsystem
- leftSideID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ClimberConstants
- magnitudeSlewRate - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- main(String...) - Static method in class frc.robot.Main
Main initialization function.
- Main - Class in frc.robot
Do NOT add any static variables to this class, or any initialization at all.
- MathUtils - Class in frc.robot.utils
- MathUtils() - Constructor for class frc.robot.utils.MathUtils
- maxAngularSpeed - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- maxSpeedMetersPerSecond - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- middlePoseBlue - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- middlePoseRed - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- moveIndexerToPos(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Rotate the indexer to a certain position
- MOVING - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- NetworkTableUtils - Class in frc.robot.utils
- NetworkTableUtils(String) - Constructor for class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This class is a utility class for interfacing with network tables
- noteLimelight - Static variable in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- OnTheFlyShootCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- OnTheFlyShootCommand(SwerveSubsystem, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.OnTheFlyShootCommand
Rotates the robot to face the speaker, while still allowing the driver to control forward and backward movement
- PathCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- PathCommand(SwerveSubsystem, double, double, double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
- periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
- periodic() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
- posOffset - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- primaryController - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- rearLeftChassisAngularOffset - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rearLeftDrivingPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rearLeftTurningPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rearRightChassisAngularOffset - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rearRightDrivingPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rearRightTurningPort - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- reset() - Method in class frc.robot.utils.TimingUtils
Reset the timer
- resetEncoders() - Method in class frc.robot.controllers.SwerveModuleControlller
This function resets all encoders for the swerve module
- resetEncoders() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Resets swerve encoders
- retract() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ClimberSubsystem
Retracts the climber back down
- RETRACT - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand.Climb
- rightSideID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ClimberConstants
- Robot - Class in frc.robot
The VM is configured to automatically run this class, and to call the functions corresponding to each mode, as described in the TimedRobot documentation.
- Robot() - Constructor for class frc.robot.Robot
- RobotContainer - Class in frc.robot
This class is where the bulk of the robot should be declared.
- RobotContainer() - Constructor for class frc.robot.RobotContainer
The container for the robot.
- robotInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code.
- robotPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called every robot packet, no matter the mode.
- rotateAllWheelsPercent(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Rotates all wheels with a percent value
- rotateAllWheelsVolts(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Rotate all indexer motors with a certain voltage
- rotateConstraints - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- rotateD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- rotateI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- rotateMotorPercent(IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
Rotate one of the motors with a percent value
- rotateMotorVolts(IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem
rotateMotorVolts rotates one of the motors by setting the voltage applied to the motor
- rotateP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- rotateToConstraints - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- RotateToCorner - Class in frc.robot.commands
- RotateToCorner(SwerveSubsystem, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, Pose2d, Pose2d) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.RotateToCorner
Rotates the robot to face the corner near the amp, while still allowing the driver to control forward and backward movement
- rotateToD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- rotateToI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- RotateToNoteAndDriveCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- RotateToNoteAndDriveCommand(SwerveSubsystem, XboxController, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.RotateToNoteAndDriveCommand
Rotates the robot to face the speaker, while still allowing the driver to control forward and backward movement
- rotateToP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- RotateToSpeakerAndDriveCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- RotateToSpeakerAndDriveCommand(SwerveSubsystem, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier, DoubleSupplier) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.RotateToSpeakerAndDriveCommand
Rotates the robot to face the speaker, while still allowing the driver to control forward and backward movement
- rotationalSlewRate - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rotationSpeedScalar - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- rpmToRadians(double) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.MathUtils
Converts RPM to Radians
- runEvery(Runnable, double) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.TimingUtils
Run a snippet of code every [mills] ms (should be called in periodic)
- secondaryController - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- setBottomSpeed(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IntakeSubsystem
Set speed of bottom intake wheel
- setBottomSpeed(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
- setBottomVolts(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
- setDesiredState(SwerveModuleState) - Method in class frc.robot.controllers.SwerveModuleControlller
This function sets the state of a swerve module
- setDouble(String, double) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function sets a double in network tables
- setDoubleArray(String, double[]) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
- setEntry(String, Object) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
Sets a entry in Network Tables to a value
- setLED(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.LEDSubsystem
Sets the color of the LEDs on the robot
- setModuleStates(SwerveModuleState[]) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Sets states of swerve modules
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IntakeSubsystem
Set speed of both intake wheels
- setSpeed(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
Set the target speed for the shooter
- setString(String, String) - Method in class frc.robot.utils.NetworkTableUtils
This function sets a String in network tables
- setTopSpeed(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.IntakeSubsystem
Set speed of top intake wheel
- setTopSpeed(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
- setTopVolts(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
- setVoltage(double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
Set the voltage of both top and bottom motors
- setVoltage(double, double) - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
Sets the motors raw voltage input
- setX() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Set wheels to an X configuration for docking procedure.
- setZero() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Set wheels to a 0 configuration for calibration and testing.
- SHOOT - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot.Goal
- shootDelayTime - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterAngle - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterBottomMotorID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- ShooterConstants - Class in frc.robot.constants
- ShooterConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterFF - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterHeight - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterNoteSpeedMPS - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterNoteSpeedX - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterNoteSpeedY - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterPID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterRPM - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterSubsystem - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- ShooterSubsystem - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- ShooterSubsystem() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.ShooterSubsystem
Subsystem for all shooter related things
- shooterTopMotorID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterWheelDiameterInches - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- shooterWheelDiameterMeters - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- SHOOTING - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- snapController - Variable in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- SPEAKER - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand.Mode
- SPEAKER - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand.Targets
- speakerHeight - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- speakerPoseBlue - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- speakerPoseRed - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- SPINUP - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- SpinUpCommand - Class in frc.robot.commands
- SpinUpCommand(ShooterSubsystem, IndexerSubsystem) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.SpinUpCommand
Spins up the shooter if we are close to the speaker
- SpinUpCommand(ShooterSubsystem, LEDSubsystem) - Constructor for class frc.robot.commands.SpinUpCommand
Command to spin up the shooter, simply just spins the motors to shooterRPM (defined in
) - spurGearTeeth - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- StepTowards(double, double, double) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.SwerveUtils
Steps a value towards a target with a specified step size.
- StepTowardsCircular(double, double, double) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.SwerveUtils
Steps a value (angle) towards a target (angle) taking the shortest path with a specified step size.
- SwerveModuleControlller - Class in frc.robot.controllers
- SwerveModuleControlller(int, int, double) - Constructor for class frc.robot.controllers.SwerveModuleControlller
This class contains all the logic and code to control the swerve motors
- swerveSubsystem - Variable in class frc.robot.RobotContainer
- SwerveSubsystem - Class in frc.robot.subsystems
- SwerveSubsystem() - Constructor for class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
This subsystems manages all of the swerve drive logic and also gives data to odometry
- SwerveUtils - Class in frc.robot.utils
- SwerveUtils() - Constructor for class frc.robot.utils.SwerveUtils
- teleopInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
- teleopPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during operator control.
- TEST_1 - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- TEST_2 - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- testInit() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
- testPeriodic() - Method in class frc.robot.Robot
This function is called periodically during test mode.
- timeToSpeakerHeight - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- timeToSpeakerHeightWithGravity - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.ShooterConstants
- TimingUtils - Class in frc.robot.utils
- TimingUtils() - Constructor for class frc.robot.utils.TimingUtils
Timing related utilities
- TOP_WHEEL - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors
- topMotorID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- trackWidth - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningD - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningEncoderPositionFactor - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningEncoderPositionPIDMaxInput - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningEncoderPositionPIDMinInput - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningEncoderReversed - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningEncoderVelocityFactor - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningFF - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningI - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningMaxOutput - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningMinOutput - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningMotorCurrentLimit - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningMotorIdleMode - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- turningP - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- upLimeBreakID - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.IndexerConstants
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot.Goal
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand.Climb
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand.Targets
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.AutoIntakeOrShoot.Goal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.ClimbCommand.Climb
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.IndexerCommand.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class frc.robot.commands.IntakeCommand.Targets
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class frc.robot.subsystems.IndexerSubsystem.IndexerMotors
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- VISION_MOVING - Enum constant in enum class frc.robot.constants.LEDConstants.Status
- VisionConstants - Class in frc.robot.constants
- VisionConstants() - Constructor for class frc.robot.constants.VisionConstants
- visionEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
Toggle if vision is enable or not
- VisionUtils - Class in frc.robot.utils
- VisionUtils() - Constructor for class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- wheelBase - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- wheelCircumferenceMeters - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- wheelDiameterMeters - Static variable in class frc.robot.constants.DrivetrainConstants
- WrapAngle(double) - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.SwerveUtils
Wraps an angle until it lies within the range from 0 to 2*PI (exclusive).
- xController - Variable in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- XDistanceToNote() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- yController - Variable in class frc.robot.commands.PathCommand
- YDistanceToNote() - Static method in class frc.robot.utils.VisionUtils
- zeroGyro() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Reset the gyro
- zeroGyroAndOdometry() - Method in class frc.robot.subsystems.SwerveSubsystem
Resets Gyro and odometry
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